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Future Thinking

Future thinking is our imagined pathway forward from where we are right now. 

It's our wildest dreams and our future goals based on present strategic thinking.

It includes elements of our currently developing projects which aren't yet set in stone, but through creativity are taking form.


We name this future thinking because the very nature of the process evolves into the future. Imagining what people will think of in the future is thinking of the future, imagining our positive influence and what will make the most impact from now until then is thinking into the future. WE look to what may be needed for present and future generations given the current climate of human life.

 Living Library of Changemaking

For now between Peace People Planet and other projects, we're probably busy enough... But in truth we're always seeking ways to apply new methods to help to change the world on a shoe string budget! 

In the future we have dreams of a physical space. Specifically an open minded creation and design centre for showcasing and databasing innovations which can help or are helping to sort out ongoing planetary problems and/ or alleviate some of the pressure on people worldwide.

Unlike a museum or straight cut design centre, if the space were about recording and profiling the development of solutionary technologies and practices it would be more like a library for change...and if the space networked people worldwide while giving visitors an opportunity to talk and collaborate it could be more than a transitory experience for all those engaged- it would be somewhat ALIVE!

Hence we are thinking of it as a living library!

To personally interact with designs and empower people to do their bit in whatever way they feel they can. It could be like a 3D mind mapping space for sorting out the planet! A pointer towards where the real deals for the future are being made.

Without the need to conform to having a constant show and turnaround like a museum or gallery- it would be a collaborative knowledge space- but perhaps with some lovely music and community entertainment at times!

For now we will call it the Living-Library-of-Progressive-Positive-Ecological-Changemaking, we will have to work on shortening the very long name, but hopefully you can understand what we mean!

If you know of a space like this then please LET US KNOW we want to visit! Or if it's your dream too and feel we might be able to collaborate somehow also please TELL US!

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